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Facing Your First Year with Breast Cancer: Comprehensive Program


Join Dr. Laura James, naturopathic oncologist, to get the support you need to face breast cancer with resilience AND learn strategies for making tough health decisions.

We will meet weekly for 10 weeks and will introduce you to evidence-based mind/body methods for managing cancer treatment for overall health. In addition to the weekly sessions, you’ll have access to over 40 self-study education modules.

VIRTUAL CLASS: Wednesdays April 16th – June 18th | 4:00 – 5:00 PM PT
$2799 (includes 10 weekly Q&A session with Dr. Laura, two resilience coaching sessions and 40+ self-study education modules: a $12,000 value).

Please join our safe space for encouraging strategies that support your optimum health during a challenging time.

The series focuses on strategies for the newly diagnosed, but all ages and stages welcome! If you have more questions about this course, please email info@laurajamesnd.com.

Sign-Up for the Series

Healthy Survivorship Program

You’ve finished cancer treatment: now what?

Cancer can change so many things in your life, and after treatment is over you can be emotionally and physically drained. Needing ongoing support for the aftermath of cancer is common. The Healthy Survivorship Series will give you support, ideas, and confidence, as you recover and heal.

Each week we’ll spend 90min focusing on a different topic that can help nourish your ongoing health. You’ll have time for questions in every class.

VIRTUAL CLASS: Meets on Thursdays from 4-5:30pm PT via Zoom.
Starts April 17. Class dates are April 17 and 23, and May 1, 8, and 15.

Whether you are a cancer survivor, or are a loved one supporting someone managing cancer, you are welcome to join the series.

Register Now

Not ready to commit to a comprehensive program? Try an a la carte option:

Decision Making for a New Breast Cancer Diagnosis – Short Webinar

If you have had an abnormal mammogram, ultrasound, and breast biopsy, and are looking at surgery and oncology consultations, or if you are trying to decide about going to your doctor about changes to your body you worry are cancer, the decision cascade can be overwhelming. Learn from Dr. Laura, naturopathic breast oncologist, how to make the best decisions for YOU if you suspect you have, or have just been diagnosed with, breast cancer.

  • Review and understand the conventional treatment pathway from start to finish
  • Understand what different terms mean if you’ve had a biopsy or other diagnostic scans
  • Understand decision-making points in cancer care
  • Learn about integrative options and how to build an integrative treatment roadmap

Watch for Free

Building Resilience for Breast Cancer with Radical Self Care – Webinar


If you are struggling with a breast cancer diagnosis, you may need some help adapting to this challenge, managing your treatment side effects, and recovering from this whirlwind of appointments, treatments, and questions. Developing resilience in the face of cancer is a skill that can be learned, so that you can grow and thrive in the future. Learn from Dr. Laura the best ways to empower yourself during this stressful time.

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High Risk for Breast Cancer Workshop


If your mother/sister/aunt has had breast cancer, you are at high risk.

Join me to understand what measures you can take to protect yourself.

We will cover:

  • Understanding your true risk if you have a close relative with breast cancer
  • Which tests make sense for you
  • Nutrition and lifestyle strategies to optimize your health

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