Menopause Myths Busted
If you are like me, you are getting tons of ads on social media for products to help with menopause. It seems like menopause is the word of the moment, and I guess it took Gen X to make that happen. We’re the first generation of the digital age, quickly became enamoured with social media, and as a generation, we want answers about sex, our health, and our emotions as we age.
For women between 40-60, it’s Menopause Central! Hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, brain fog, low energy, low libido, vaginal dryness, joint pain, thinning hair…these are just some of the side effects of the slow loss—or rapid loss: as in surgical or chemical menopause—of estrogen in a woman’s system. If you see yourself in this list, read on…
What’s The Research Say?
Women’s health research has historically been underfunded and undervalued. But in recent years, more and more data has surfaced about the role of estrogen in the body, the complexity of the hormonal dynamic, and how the major diseases of aging are directly impacted by estrogen levels. Heart disease, dementia, diabetes, osteoporosis, and cancer all participate in that hormonal dance.
Estrogen causes breast cancer | Estrogen can influence cancer growth IF IT ALREADY EXISTS |
Estrogen only acts on the breast, uterus, and ovaries | New research suggests we have estrogen receptors ALL OVER our bodies, including the brain! |
Estrogen doesn’t play a role in poor memory | A lack of estrogen in the brain slows down its function! |
Estrogen is the only thing that will help my vaginal dryness | There are many non-estrogenic compounds that help with vaginal dryness like coconut oil, water based lubricants, and plant oils |
Menopause lasts years | Medically, menopause is ONE DAY: Day 366 after you have not had a period in one year. However, peri-menopause and post-menopausal symptoms can last years. |
All women get hot flashes | Nope. Some women don’t have them, but they are still menopausal. |
Menopause begins late in life | Average age is 55. Peri-menopause typically begins between 45-55, but women in their 30’s are increasingly developing peri-and menopausal symptoms. |
Menopause is the same for everyone | Definitely not! Symptoms vary dramatically from woman to woman. |
Menopause adversely affects your sex life | Menopause symptoms impact libido and dryness can be frustrating. With optimum symptom management, you can have a healthy, post-menopause sex life! |
Weight gain is inevitable with menopause | Hormonal shifts and redistributing of fat tissue can impact weight, and where you carry weight, but weight gain is not inevitable. |
Menopause means you are old | Menopause is a sign of aging, and the symptoms can wreak havoc. The more you know about how menopause impacts YOUR body, and get relief for YOUR symptoms, the more ease you will have in your daily life. Don’t give up on getting relief! |
Breast Cancer and Menopause
The million-dollar question: but I had breast cancer! What are my options to manage menopause? They are not as limited as you think, and new research reveals that topical remedies are safer than previously thought. Find out more by tuning in to Dr. Laura on March 12 for her conversation with Menopause & Cancer, for some up-to-date information about hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer.
And if you haven’t heard about it or seen it yet, check out The M Factor on PBS.org. Our Bellingham-local uro-gyn dynamo, Dr. Kelly Casperson, is featured. It’s a great discussion of the state of menopause research, workplace issues, and social issues for women in the phase of menopause.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Laura
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