With Gratitude

With Gratitude

Dear Valued Patient, After 22 years of practice, over 17 of which have been dedicated to integrative oncology, I am stepping away from one to one patient care. I will be closing my practice at Bellingham Naturopathic Clinic on March 20th, 2024. If you are in active cancer treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation), you will […]

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Caring for Your Sexual Health After Breast Cancer

breast cancer survivor with text overlay "Caring for your sexual health after breast cancer"

Surviving breast cancer can leave your body feeling war-ravaged. Not only do you have to learn a new way to mentally live in the world but you must also find a way to live physically. And part of your physical health is taking care of your sexual organs – which we don’t talk about enough. […]

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Exercise and the Prevention of Disease

a path in the woods representing a trail for exercise as well as a journey with breast cancer. Overlay text reads " Exercise: Preventing Recurrence of Breast Cancer"

Planning and implementing a long hike can be similar to what a patient goes through when they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. It can be a daunting task. Recently I challenged myself to travel across Scotland via the West Highland Way. There is so much to consider including, but not limited to, gear, nourishment, […]

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Food Is Medicine

thanksgiving superfoods, nutrition, food as medicine, immunity boosting, cancer prevention

You may have heard the phrase “Food is Medicine”. If you are someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and you are in treatment or beyond, this adage can be especially true. What you put in your body can make a difference in your health and longevity. Because Thanksgiving is typically centered around eating, […]

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Encouragement for Challenging Beliefs

cancer patient looking off to the side after receiving a diagnosis, overlay of the words "encouragement for: challenging beliefs"

Regardless of how your beliefs are rooted, they will be challenged after you’ve been diagnosed with cancer. Being able to embrace the diagnosis itself, and what it means, might cause a massive upheaval in your life and shake your values to the core. Change is inevitable, but it’s not a negative factor in terms of […]

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What to Do When Life Takes an Unexpected Turn

nature scene of trees in the woods of Washington with the text overlay: "Breast Cancer: when life takes an unexpected turn"

What happens when life takes an unexpected turn? Please read on to learn how one patient grappled with the news of her breast cancer diagnosis. Melissa’s note: “We were sitting around the fire at our family cabin reminiscing about the days when the kids were little and how they would toddle around too close to […]

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